091016 0:04:00 - RANT - J-Street Joins the Warmongers, Newsweek: When Iran Gets the Bomb
091016 0:11:00 - RANT - Do any TV show know about US involvement Somalia War
091016 0:36:00 - INTERVIEW - Cindy Sheehan: continuous civil disobedience in Washington D.C. until the wars end
091016 1:03:00 - Playback - Ron Paul on Lindsey Graham
091016 1:17:30 - NEWS - Air Force Pilot Missing, 1984
091016 1:26:00 - NEWS - Stimulus Rebuilds DC Government Offices
091016 1:32:30 - INTERVIEW - Glenn Greenwald: Republican brouhaha about the Islamic non-profit CAIR
091016 1:45:00 - INTERVIEW - Daniel Luban: John Bolton’s cagey endorsement of a nuclear strike on Iran
091015 0:00:00 - No Show
091014 0:08:15 - RANT - Historic Success in Military Recruiting
091014 0:32:30 - INTERVIEW - Patrick Cockburn: greatly diminished news coverage of Iraq
091014 1:07:00 - RANT - Bill Krystal creates another think-tank: Keep America Safe
091014 1:16:00 - RANT - Afghanistan Escalation
091014 1:24:00 - RANT - Newsweek Cover, Another 3rd World Country is getting the bomb?
091014 1:32:30 - INTERVIEW - Charles Peña: preventing domestic terrorism in a free society
091013 0:08:00 - RANT - Angela & Scott on New Libertarians
091013 0:22:45 - CALL - EotS: Adam Kokesh, Ron Paul
091013 0:28:00 - CALL - Purger: Obama Peace Prize, Just Following Orders
091013 0:52:45 - CALL - no id: Refuses kid sticker from cop
091013 1:07:00 - INTERVIEW - Debra Sweet: post-Obama antiwar movement collapse
091013 1:37:30 - NEWS - Ethiopian Troops Poor into Central Somalia
091009 0:07:00 - RANT - Serial Killer Obama awarded Nobel Peace Prize, Glen Beck should get it.
091009 0:25:00 - RANT - Peter B Collins Podcast, Nobody picks up Sibel Edmonds' Story
091009 0:38:00 - INTERVIEW - Aaron Emery: war-weary recalled soldiers who must choose redeployment or jail
091009 1:08:00 - NEWS - Diego Garcia Native fight to return to Island Home
091009 1:13:00 - NEWS - Audit the Fed pushing for more congressional votes
091009 1:31:30 - INTERVIEW - David T. Beito: T. R. M. Howard’s Fight for Civil Rights and Economic Power
091008 0:02:00 - INTERVIEW - Melvin Goodman: Brzezinski’s instigation of the Soviet Afghanistan invasion
091008 0:34:30 - RANT - Iranians Got Caught? 4 days after Notification
091008 0:54:00 - RANT - Ritter: IAEA Inspectors continue to confirm non-diversion of nuclear material
091008 1:03:00 - INTERVIEW - Winslow T Wheeler: Defense Appropriations bill
091008 1:34:30 - INTERVIEW - Jonathan Kolkey: his research project that anthologizes over 300 wars
091007 0:04:30 - INTERVIEW - Medea Benjamin: co-founder of CODEPINK
091007 0:30:30 - INTERVIEW - Grant F. Smith: 60 year history of Israeli espionage against the U.S.
091007 1:06:00 - INTERVIEW - Daphne Evitar: newly discovered interrogation video of Mohammed al Qahtani
091007 1:35:15 - INTERVIEW - Adam Kokesh: voter’s remorse felt by antiwar Obama supporters
091006 0:04:30 - NEWS - OKC Bombing shows Truck Pulling up to Building
091006 0:39:30 - INTERVIEW - Gareth Porter: first diplomatic engagement between the U.S. and Iran in a generation
091006 1:07:30 - INTERVIEW - Brad Friedman: “too big to bust” problem with Sibel Edmonds’ far-reaching accusations
091002 0:02:00 - INTERVIEW - David R. Henderson: His anti-Afghanistan war demonstration in Monterey, California
091002 0:40:00 - INTERVIEW - Andy Worthington: decreasing number of “worst of the worst” Guantanamo prisoners
091002 1:07:00 - INTERVIEW - Jeffery Rogers Hummel: major points of contention on U.S. Civil War history
091001 0:02:00 - INTERVIEW - Nick Hankoff by Jared Fuller: Ending th Empire
091001 0:36:30 - INTERVIEW - Gareth Porter: Obama’s big lie about Iran’s Qom facility
091001 1:12:00 - RANT - Iran Nuke lies on Behalf of a Foreign Power "Our Democratic Allie" - J. Harman
091001 1:22:00 - NEWS - Rick Parry stops review of possible wrongful execution
091001 1:29:00 - INTERVIEW - Joe Lauria: 2009 General Assembly of the United Nations
090929 0:00:30 - INTERVIEW - Scott Ritter: overblown “gotcha” revelation of the “secret” Iranian nuclear facility
090929 0:51:30 - INTERVIEW - Melvin Goodman VIP response to torture investigation naysayers
090929 1:18:30 - RANT - Iran is not Making Nuclear Weapons
090929 1:23:00 - NEWS - thestressbloglog.blog
090929 1:24:00 - NEWS - Edmonds alleges Investigation or Mark Grossman
090929 1:25:00 - NEWS - John Doe II footage deleted (Oklahoma City Bombing)
090929 1:36:30 - INTERVIEW - Dahr Jamail
090930 0:06:00 - RANT - Conservatism, a Religious Devotion to Republican Presidents
090930 0:09:00 - RANT - Defending the Ayatollahs
090930 0:11:45 - RANT - Greenwald on MSNBC
090930 0:14:30 - Playback - Ron Paul on Iranian Nuclear Program
090930 0:26:45 - Playback - Ron Paul on the Daily Show
090930 0:36:30 - INTERVIEW - Thomas E. Woods defends libertarianism from the left-Devil’s advocate
090930 1:17:45 - NEWS - Cuban Authorities invite State Department Official to Stay for Discussions
090930 1:21:15 - NEWS - Media loses interests in War Caskets
090930 1:24:45 - NEWS - Defense Bill Contains Billions in Earmarks, Obama not cutting Military Spending
090930 1:28:00 - RANT - Guantanamo Torture of Innocent
090930 1:45:00 - NEWS - Porter: U.S. Story on Iran Nuke Facility doesn't add up
Date Format - YYMMDD H:MM:SS -
For Example - 090408 0:06:00 = 2009 Apr 08, 0 hours, 06 minutes, 00 seconds into the recording.
For Example - 090408 0:06:00 = 2009 Apr 08, 0 hours, 06 minutes, 00 seconds into the recording.
Monday, October 26, 2009
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