Date Format - YYMMDD H:MM:SS -

For Example - 090408 0:06:00 = 2009 Apr 08, 0 hours, 06 minutes, 00 seconds into the recording.

Monday, January 5, 2009

August - September 2008


080811 0:06:57 - Georgia, "Should not rule out military option" - Bill Kristal
080811 0:33:00 - Right Wingers, Your Leaders Hate You. "I'm Pro-life and I'm Pro-war"
080811 0:50:00 - Obama No Different Than Bush, But Worse.
080811 1:04:18 - INTERVIEW - Patrick Coburn: Iraq War

080812 0:03:38 - You Gotta Have a Narrative
080812 0:07:24 - I'm so glad I don't live in the old world
080812 0:11:42 - Nigeria
080812 0:22:30 - INTERVIEW - Brendan O’Neil: conflict between Russia and Georgia
080812 1:05:00 - Georgia Started It, not going to escalate
080812 1:12:30 - Presidential Election: John McCain looks at everything through a sight
080812 1:18:12 - North Korea delayed from removal from terrorist list
080812 1:28:48 - Abkhazia, Right-wing radio guy ("queers and drugs")
080812 1:44:20 - U.S. Army Private LaVena Lynn Johnson, RIP

080813 0:03:20 - McCain: ignorant, arrogant. Media doesn't say, "Georgia invaded Ossetia"
080813 0:28:30 - Zbigniew Brzezinski: start of Afghanistan war
080813 0:37:35 - Zbigniew Brzezinski: Hitler comparisons
080813 0:50:30 - John McCain: "Big wars start in small places" - Neocons
080813 0:58:41 - Zbigniew Brzezinski: got through to George Bush re Israel?
080813 1:16:10 - Where are the WMD? Scott Ritter at
080813 1:33:30 - The good part of the Scott Ritter interview
080813 1:40:27 - The obviously forged letter
080813 1:44:25 - The Explanation for the total collapse of the rule of law
080813 1:48:00 - If they gave a shit all, Bush would be removed from office
080813 1:54:00 - Anthrax story disappeared
080813 1:57:53 - :(

080814 0:07:00 - Regulated Airwaves
080814 0:33:00 - (cont) Fairness Doctrine, McCarthy
080814 0:43:20 - Picking on McCainiacs
080814 0:49:30 - News: US Against Strike in Iran, Al Qaeda not legitimate
080814 0:57:57 - Justin Raimando Russian TV Clip
080814 1:03:40 - INTERVIEW - Eric Margolis: Georgia

080815 0:02:50 - INTERVIEW - Ray McGovern: Out Damn Blot, Out
080815 0:32:30 - INTERVIEW - Pat Buchanan: Geogia, Russia, and US
080815 1:01:40 - INTERVIEW - Joe Lauria: On Randy Scheunemann
080815 1:31:24 - INTERVIEW - Gordon Prather: Nuclear Weapons

080818 0:01:15 - Justin Raimondo on Al Jazeera
080818 0:08:15 - INTERVIEW - Scott Horton: Georgia
080818 1:06:07 - New World Order
080818 1:23:55 - (cont) NWO fight in the chat room
080818 1:28:00 - INTERVIEW - Gareth Porter: Iran-Trained Hit Squads Story
080818 1:59:00 - :( :)

080819 0:03:25 - NYT: FBI Presents Anthrax Detail, But Can't Erase Doubts
080819 0:09:09 - Georgia, Anatomy of A(nother) Fiasco
080819 0:10:40 - Manchurian Candidate Brain Washing
080819 0:17:00 - INTERVIEW - Glenn Greenwald: Media Disclosures in Anthrax Case
080819 0:43:00 - Glenn Greenwald Salon Podcast - Morton Halperin
080819 0:56:50 - America's Outrageous War Economy
080819 1:10:43 - Finding Common Ground with Russia by Henry Kissinger
080819 1:13:17 - Bombing Iran's IAEA Safeguarded Nuclear Facilities a War Crime
080819 1:18:16 - INTERVIEW - Greg Palast: Geopolitical Peak Oil
080819 1:46:30 - News - Musharraf Gone,
080819 1:50:00 - News - Maliki Overconfidence. It's wrong to murder.

080820 0:09:00 - RANT - Should Georgia be treated as a member of NATO?
080820 0:19:00 - INTERVIEW - Robert Higgs: Edward M. House and the “ratchet effect,”
080820 0:59:45 - INTERVIEW (cont) - Robert Higgs:
080820 1:33:16 - RANT - Progressives are the Useful Dupes of the Conservatives
080820 1:37:00 - RANT - Inflation, FED, Counterfeiting, & Central Banking
080820 1:54:22 - NEWS - Werther (Antiwar), Luke Ryland,
080820 1:54:22 - NEWS (cont) - Carlotta Gall (NYT), Ketchum, Gareth Porter

080821 0:06:15 - REPLAY Interview - Jim Powell: Wilson's War 2005
080821 1:00:45 - REPLAY Interview - Pat Buchanan: World War II 2008
080821 1:47:00 - RANT - The American People Support McCain? Because What???
080821 1:57:00 - NEWS - Russia to suspend ties with NATO, etc

080822 0:08:55 - Ron Paul by Murray Rothbard
080822 0:18:15 - INTERVIEW - Daniel Levy: Rethinking Israel’s Approach to Iran
080822 0:56:13 - Billionaires prevent war, Cold Cash not Cold War
080822 1:02:30 - RANT - We Can Sell Fighter Jets! and Create Jobs!
080822 1:12:13 - Iraq Gov wants to fight Concerned Local Citizens, et al.
080822 1:16:00 - At the end of Eight Years of Barak Obama, America will still be in Iraq
080822 1:10:00 - INTERVIEW - Ed Fremmer whose son died in military service
080822 1:39:17 - RANT - It's Okay to Kill 50 Children if you are a USG Employee
080822 1:52:32 - RANT - No single pathway to violent extremism?

080825 0:02:00 - RANT - Joe Biden for Emperor of the World
080825 0:29:25 - RANT - Could Obama Bestow Legitimacy on a office that Has None?
080825 0:35:38 - COMMENT - Bob Dreyfus: On Iraq, Biden Is Worse than McCain
080825 1:06:40 - INTERVIEW - Gareth Porter: Georgia War Rooted in US Self-Deceit on NATO

080826 0:07:00 - RANT - American Airstrike Kills 90 inc 60 children, Afghanistan
080826 0:20:00 - INTERVIEW - Lew Rockwell: Russia/Georgia conflict & Joe Biden
080826 1:20:00 - INTERVIEW - Adam Isacson: Plan Columbia
080826 1:48:00 - RANT - US Backed Ethiopian Troops in Somalia

080827 0:12:00 - RANT - Future Troop Reductions? Right.
080827 0:17:25 - INTERVIEW - Luke Ryland: A.Q.Khan Network
080827 1:17:20 - INTERVIEW - Abdulkadir Abdirahman: Somali Cause
080827 1:50:05 - COMMENT - Somalis Love the US to their Detriment
080827 1:51:00 - RANT - North Korea Stays on the Terrorist List

080828 0:05:00 - RANT - Putin Hypnotised Bush
080828 0:10:37 - RANT - We could have been friends with the Russians
080828 0:25:30 - Playback of Ron Paul on CNN discusses Geogria and Russia
080828 0:29:37 - Playback of Pat Buchanan on Russian TV
080828 0:44:59 - RANT - I Wanna see Suicides
080828 1:02:00 - RANT - Russia, Abkazia, Ossentia... Sesession, Self Determination
080828 1:22:00 - COMMNET on Lew Rockwell on Neoconservativism
080828 1:42:00 - RANT - This is the Land of Individualism
080828 1:49:00 - NEWS - Sunnis are Not Being Absorbed into Iraqi Army

080829 0:08:00 - RANT - The cause of high gas prices. Central Banking and Warfare.
080829 0:29:00 - Playback of Joe Briggs interview of Eric Margolis
080829 0:53:43 - RANT - MLK Is Obama's Nomination The Dream Come Ture
080829 1:03:00 - RANT - Obama's Acceptance Speach
080829 1:26:00 - RANT con't - The places in Africa we have to intervene.
080829 1:33:25 - RANT - Obama Promises Soldiers out of Iraq?
080829 1:42:30 - RANT - 55% Think a War with Iran is Okay?
080829 1:57:12 - NEWS - Chalabi, ACLU, Cheney on way to Georgia

080900 0:00:00 September 2008

080902 0:06:38 - NEWS - Afghanistan Operations Result in Civilian Deaths
080902 0:12:30 - NEWS - John McCain Suggests Bush Endorses Torture
080902 0:19:00 - INTERVIEW - Anthony Gregory on The Rally for the Republic
080902 0:43:00 - Playback of Ron Paul Explaining Terrorism
080902 0:50:45 - RANT - US to Strike Iran in Coming Weeks???
080902 0:58:30 - INTERVIEW - Bill Kelsey
080902 1:19:23 - Playback of Ron Paul on CNN
080902 1:25:25 - INTERVIEW - Bill Kelsey cont'd

080903 0:06:00 - RANT - Miniapolis Police State - Cops are Cowards
080903 0:21:20 - RANT cont - American Solders do not fight for Freedom
080903 0:28:00 - Playback of Ron Paul at Rally for the Republic
080903 1:34:00 - NEWS - Tucker Carlson on Ron Paul on 9/11 Cause
080903 1:42:45 - NOTE - Scott at Texas A&M on 9/11 to debate 9/11 cause
080903 1:48:20 - NEWS - Cheney says US has deep interest Caucusus Allies
080903 1:52:00 - NEWS - Israel of the Caucasus.
080903 1:55:20 - NEWS - September Suprise. Palin.

080904 0:08:30 - RANT - Sarah Palin GOP Convention Speach
080904 1:01:46 - NEWS - Palin: "Iraq War Task From God"
080904 1:05:30 - NEWS - Jim Lobe: Palin at AIPAC
080904 1:25:15 - NEWS - Georgian Airfields to be used for Iran Attack
080904 1:28:00 - NEWS - Raimando: Ductch Covert Ops Out of Iran.
080904 1:33:30 - NEWS - Biden wants to be in position to defend Israel
080904 1:36:13 - NEWS - Russia says US needs Georgia to Strike Iran
080904 1:43:50 - NEWS - Jim Lobe: US Somalia Policy Likely to bring Blowback
080904 1:46:30 - Headlines

080905 0:04:30 - Playback of Ron Paul on Colbert Report
080905 0:10:30 - RANT - Are We Supposed to Let the Athrax Story Die?
080905 0:19:15 - Playback of O'Reilly interviewing Obama
080905 0:30:30 - RANT on O'Reilly interviewing Obama
080905 0:52:20 - RANT on John McCain
080905 0:53:56 - Lew Rockwell on John McCain Speech
080905 0:55:20 - NEWS Ron Paul Delegate Votes Disappear
080905 1:07:20 - Headlines
080905 1:22:00 - INTERVIEW - Christopher Ketcham: The Anthrax Files

080908 0:05:30 - Antiwar Iran Talking Points:
- - - - - - - - - Israeli FM: Don't Care if they Did Have Nukes, Which They Don't:
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - They don't:
- - - - - - - - - Rumor of the Century:
- - - - - - - - - Fear and Vaunting:
- - - - - - - - - Where are those Iranian Weapons in Iraq?:
- - - - - - - - -
- - - - - - - - - Iran Didn't do the Argentina Bombing Either.
- - - - - - - - -
080908 0:18:50 - INTERVIEW - Chris Deliso: Russia - Georgia conflict
080908 1:02:50 - COMMENT on Jim Rogers: US 'More Communist Than China'
080908 1:10:20 - Antiwar Headlines
080908 1:21:30 - INTERVIEW - Glen Greenwald: GOP Convention Police State

080909 0:00:00 Scott Out Sick

080910 0:04:20 - Russia Threatens to Target US Missile Sites
080910 0:17:30 - INTERVIEW - Eric Margolis: Caucuses
080910 1:19:20 - Playback of Ron Paul Press Conference
080910 1:38:00 - Every Terrorism Bust Since 9/11 is Bull

080911 0:00:00 Off for Kushner Debate

080912 0:09:00 - COMMENT - Kushner Debate
080912 0:17:10 - Playback of Ron Paul on Fannie and Freddy (truncated)
080912 0:22:40 - RANT - Sarah Palin: War with Russia, Perhaps (?!!!)
080912 0:30:00 - RANT - "Obama is a Muslim" and "Lipstick on a Pig"
080912 0:31:50 - Playback of Kushner Debate

080915 0:18:30 - INTERVIEW - Steve Connors and Molly Bingham:
080915 1:05:45 - RANT - 9/11, Occupation, Killing People, How would you feel?
080915 1:22:00 - Playback of Bob Woodward interview
080915 1:34:30 - Headlines
080915 1:44:45 - RANT - Pick a Fight with Pakistan?!

080916 0:06:00 - RANT - Five Former Secretaries of State: "Meet with Iran"
080916 0:18:00 - INTERVIEW - Bob Murphy: Economic Meltdown
080916 1:09:00 - RANT - What happened that caused Ashcroft to threaten to resign?
080916 1:15:45 - RANT - Dick Army cried when he voted for the Iraq war?
080916 1:22:00 - INTERVIEW - Gareth Porter - Smoking Laptop

080917 0:00:00 Constitution Day
080917 0:04:50 - RANT - Degrading Iraqi terms (Hadji’s, etc) makes it okay to kill them
080917 0:09:30 - RANT - Popular Sovereignty. Voting in Self Defense.
080917 0:19:45 - INTERVIEW - Dar Jamail: Iraqi Veteran's Problems.
080917 1:08:00 - RANT - The Son was Going to Finish the Job
080917 1:20:00 - INTERVIEW - Tom Woods: Who Killed the Constitution?

080918 0:06:30 - Playback - Stephen Kinzer (at FFF): 100 Years of Overthrow
080918 1:00:35 - Playback - Robert Higgs (at FFF): Crisis and Leviathan
080918 1:54:00 - Comment on FFF

080919 0:15:10 - RANT - The Problem is the Creation of all This New Money
080919 0:42:00 - RANT - Freedom Works and the Government Doesn't
080919 0:46:47 - NEWS - Maliki's Playing Hardball
080919 0:55:25 - NEWS - Iran's President Denies Hostility to Israelis/Should have Election
080919 1:01:45 - NEWS - Palin going to Anti-Iran Rally / has Contempt for You
080919 1:10:50 - NEWS - Gates Defends Right of US Military to Attack Pakistan
080919 1:13:00 - NEWS - The Purpose of the US Government is to Give Checks to the Rich
080919 1:22:20 - INTERVIEW - Stephen Schwab: Bob Barr, U.S. in Latin America

080922 0:00:00 - INTERVIEW (in progress) - Bob Murphy, Mark Thorton: Economic Crisis
080922 0:59:35 - INTERVIEW - Philip Girardi: The Terror Wars

080923 0:05:00 - NEWS - Privacy file suit to stop illegal wiretapping
080923 0:20:00 - INTERVIEW - Robert Blumen: Economic Crisis
080923 1:23:15 - INTERVIEW - Joshua Kors: How the VA Abandons Our Vets

080924 0:09:40 - RANT - Who Speaks for Islam?
080924 0:21:15 - Playback - Rothbard: Keeping the Inflationary Boom Afloat
080924 0:22:40 - INTERVIEW - Peter Schiff (RP Economic Advisor): U.S. Economic Crisis
080924 0:22:40 - Playback - Peter Schiff (on Kudlow & Company)
080924 0:22:40 - INTERVIEW - Jason Kreag: Thomas McGowan case in Dallas, TX

080925 0:02:00 - REPORT - James Ostrowski: Stop the Billionaire Bailout
080925 0:11:50 - NEWS - Detainee Abuse, Unitary Executive Theory (Hentoff), Where's Obama? (Will),
McCain Loses his Head
080925 0:19:40 - INTERVIEW - Lew Rockwell: Economic Crisis
080925 1:25:00 - INTERVIEW - Frida Berrigan: How To Stay Iraq for 1,000 years

080926 0:07:20 - COMMENT - Bush and Nuclear Korea
080926 0:16:40 - INTERVIEW - Dr. Ron Paul: The Bailout
080926 0:38:25 - INTERVIEW - Robert Higgs: Depression, War, and Cold War
080926 1:27:50 - INTERVIEW - Ken Menkhaus: Somalia

080929 0:02:30 - INTERVIEW - The Other Scott Horton: Taxi to the Dark Side
080929 0:21:50 - INTERVIEW - Sydney Schanberg: John McCain and the POW Coverup
080929 1:04:28 - RANT - Unlimited Credit Guarantees are the Problem
080929 1:08:30 - Headlines - Guantanamo Prosecutor Quits, Harsh Interrogations,
080929 1:10:00 - RANT - John LaBruzzo (R) Advocates Eugenics
080929 1:17:55 - Headlines - US Military Presence on Israeli Soil, ...
080929 1:23:15 - INTERVIEW - Jeff Huber: Bathtub Admirals

080930 0:02:20 - RANT - "We Shouldn't 2nd Guess Israel Attacking Iran" says Palin
080930 0:23:40 - INTERVIEW - Andy Worthington: human rights violations at Guantánamo
080930 1:09:44 - What ever happened to Osama bin Laden Anyway?
080930 1:20:00 - INTERVIEW - Gareth Porter: Failure to Capture Osama bin Laden

October - December 2008

081001 0:03:40 - INTERVIEW - Will Grigg: The Rise of the Homeland Security State
081001 1:22:00 - INTERVIEW - Robert Pape: Dying to Win

081002 0:11:30 - NEWS - Former Goldman Sachs CEO saves Goldman Sachs
081002 0:14:20 - NEWS - NPR:"'-The Bailout is Great'- Brought to you by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac"
081002 0:23:10 - INTERVIEW - Robert Dreyfuss: End of Iraq's Awakening?
081002 1:08:20 - RANT - John McCain reams out the Doorman
081002 1:17:00 - NEWS - James Bamford more on 9/11, ...
081002 1:25:45 - INTERVIEW - Charles Goyette - Current Economic Conditions

081003 0:09:20 - NEWS - 2008 VP Debate (See Jason Ditz at
081003 0:29:30 - NEWS - More debate
081003 0:56:00 - RANT - Real Wages lag behind Inflation
081003 1:08:50 - RANT - "I accuse Palin of Witchcraft": Let's Vote
081003 1:10:40 - RANT - Iran to Launch EMP over US?
081003 1:20:25 - INTERVIEW - Sheldon Richman: New Reasons to go to War

081006 0:09:15 - RANT - The economic bubble, 99 trillion $ debt
081006 0:19:00 - RANT - This is Laissez Faire Faire Capitalism?
081006 0:24:00 - INTERVIEW - Jon Utley: The Cost of Boots on the Ground in Iraq
081006 1:11:45 - RANT - Palin's end-times. Culture War of Civilizations?
081006 1:11:45 - RANT - Snap out of it. Stalin, Mao, & Our enemy is couple of hundred terrorists?
081006 1:24:54 - INTERVIEW - Jennifer Daskal: Human Rights Watch
081006 1:50:55 - PLAYBACK - DiLorenzo: Hamilton's Curse

081007 0:00:00 - RERUN of Oct 01, 2008 Show

081008 0:17:00 - NEWS - U.S. Won't Allow Israel Attack on Iran: Inviting a Holocost
081008 0:22:00 - RANT - Are We Crazy? Stealing is Wrong (isn't it?)
081008 0:29:00 - RANT - War and Central Banking, Central Banking and War
081008 0:35:00 - RANT - McCain: Communist, Red
081008 0:35:00 - RANT - McCain: Doesn't know: anything, how to fly a plane, how to insult someone
081008 0:35:00 - RANT - McCain: no sense of humor, not an expert on anything, economics
081008 0:35:00 - RANT - McCain: government employee buys bad mortgages
081008 0:40:21 - RANT – Sacrifice?, sacrifice some government programs, all your children are belong to me.
081008 0:43:45 - RANT - Okay to talk about bombing Pakistan? US Gov already is.
081008 0:45:00 - RANT - Somalia '93 as an example of whether we should intervene?
081008 0:49:45 - RANT - "My son's over there fighting for your right to protest!"
081008 0:49:45 - RANT - McCain hates Obama, Bright Red Flash
081008 0:56:53 - NEWS - Justices debate exclusionary rule
081008 1:02:50 - NEWS - Data Mining, Fishing Expedition
081008 1:04:30 - NEWS - Mass arrest video:
081008 1:07:45 - NEWS - Chavez: “Comrade Bush": McClatchy
081008 1:19:45 - INTERVIEW - Richard Maybury

081009 0:06:18 - RANT - Talking Doll Promoting Islam
081009 0:10:15 - RANT - You don't have to give up the Simpsons to care.
081009 0:15:30 - NEWS - Investigating McCain’s Tragedy at Sea
081009 0:28:45 - INTERVIEW - Steve Clemons: Israel and Pakistan
081009 0:28:45 - INTERVIEW - Declan McCullagh: Data mining doesn’t work well
081009 1:57:00 - PLAYBACK - Banned SNL Video: Banking

081010 0:04:40 - NEWS - American Empire: Rest in Peace (Raimando)
081010 0:13:48 - INTERVIEW - Joe Cirincione: Nuclear Proliferation
081010 1:04:20 - COMMENT - Dr. Prather on Joe Cirincione
081010 1:07:30 - PLAYBACK - Jim Rogers on Inflationary Holocost
081010 1:17:00 - INTERVIEW - Jacob Hornberger: World War 2 Repatriation

081013 0:06:00 - RANT - Ukraine in NATO?
081013 0:09:40 - PLAYBACK - Ron Paul 1983
081013 0:13:45 - RANT - Barack Obama inspires hope
081013 0:20:40 - INTERVIEW - Lawrence Wilkerson, former chief of staff to Colin Powell
081013 1:20:35 - INTERVIEW - Stan Liebowitz: Anatomy of a Train Wreck: Causes of the Mortgage Meltdown

081014 0:09:00 - NEWS - (NYT) Insiders Projects Drained Missile Defense Millions
081014 0:13:00 - PLAYBACK - Ron Paul in the news
081014 0:19:10 - INTERVIEW - Tim Dickinson: (McCain) Make-Believe Maverick
081014 0:56:45 - RANT - Cindy McCain hates her life so much, she is addicted to pain pills
081014 1:11:00 - NEWS - US Government Stake Needed in 9 Banks to Preserve Capitalism?
081014 1:25:00 - RANT - Oklahoma City Bombing Videos Requested
081014 1:39:30 - NEWS - Is US Military Big Enough?
081014 1:49:54 - NEWS - (Bloomberg) Paulson urges banks to deploy capital to spur economy
081014 1:53:40 - RANT - The Capitalists of this Country are a bunch of Communists

081015 0:03:10 - RANT - Obama is Evil, McCain is Worse
081015 0:20:40 - INTERVIEW - Greg Palast: Steal Back Your Vote
081015 1:07:35 - RANT - A slight word of "hooray!" - Financial Crisis Villain #10: The Fed
081015 1:16:20 - RANT - Martial Law Coming?
081015 1:23:45 - INTEVIEW - Shashank Bengali: Pentagon's African Command

081016 0:06:00 - NEWS - Final Draft of Status of Forces Agreement Completed
081016 0:19:20 - INTERVIEW - Douglas Valentine: The Phoenix Program
081016 1:08:00 - RANT - McCain aint no War Hero
081016 1:16:40 - NEWS - Key Allegation against Terror Suspect Withdrawn
081016 1:18:30 - NEWS - Pentagon Bans Seer Interrogation Techniques
081016 1:18:30 - RANT - Defining Characteristics of Conservatism: Fear, Worship of State Power, and Lies
081016 1:22:40 - INTERVIEW - John Esposito: Who Speaks for Islam?: What a Billion Muslims Really Think
081016 1:56:35 - PLAYBACK - Rambo III

081017 0:04:55 - PLAYBACK - Ron Paul on CNN
081017 0:11:15 - RANT - The Bubble
081017 0:14:00 - PLAYBACK - Peter Schiff
081017 0:20:15 - RANT - The problem is not the recession, but the economic boom that preceded it
081017 0:31:40 - RANT - Negative attacks don't work is because people are really worried
081017 0:40:00 - RANT - Conservatives Like Big Government
081017 0:47:40 - RANT - National Service . . . or Else!
081017 1:02:45 - PLAYBACK - Howard Stern Show interviews Obama supporters for McCain’s Policies
081017 1:06:00 - INTERVIEW rerun - Jacob Hornberger (10/10): World War 2 Repatriation

081018 0:00:00 - Off Day

081020 0:06:55 - RANT - The War on Terrorism (A Huge Overreaction to 9/11)
081020 1:21:00 - INTERVIEW - Robert Murphy: The Financial crisis, Credit Default Swaps

081021 0:02:00 - INTEVIEW - James Bamford: The Shadow Factory, NSA
081021 0:58:25 - RANT - The Evil NSA FBI CIA (could have prevented the attacks)
081021 1:21:30 - INTERVIEW - Jim Fine: Friends Committee on National Legislation / Quaker

081022 0:10:00 - RANT - Biden: Obama not up to it
081022 0:12:30 - RANT - McCain is a Goddamned Rat
081022 0:16:30 - RANT - Right Wing Talk Radio: It's all about William Ayers Still
081022 0:17:30 - RANT - Black People are Racists?
081022 0:21:00 - INTERVIEW - Lester Ness: Living in China
081022 1:06:45 - RANT - Read The Shadow Factory by James Bamford
081022 1:13:00 - NEWS - (WP) al-Qaeda supports McCain
081022 1:23:00 - INTERVIEW - Jim Bovard: Government

081023 0:02:10 - INTERVIEW - Michael Scheuer: Bin Ladin's Strategy
081023 0:02:10 - INTERVIEW - Gareth Porter: U.S.-Iraq Status of Forces Agreement
081023 1:07:10 - RANT - McCain Could End up in Charge of America's Policy Towards Russia
081023 1:22:05 - INTERVIEW - Matthew Rothschild: Is Posse Comitatus Dead? US Troops on US Streets
081023 1:48:40 - NEWS - Judge blocks retrial of Watada
081023 1:54:30 - RANT - They are all Fascist. They are all imperialist.

081024 0:04:42 - PLAYBACK - Ron Paul on Cavuto
081024 0:09:54 - RANT - on Cavuto, Greenspan
081024 0:34:10 - PLAYBACK - Ron Paul on Chuck(?)
081024 0:38:50 - RANT - Obama the Celebrity
081024 0:43:00 - RANT - The War Party Embraces Obama (Raimando)
081024 0:52:40 - RANT - Palin doesn't know what "preconditions" means
081024 0:57:40 - NEWS - Pakistan to give arms tribal militias
081024 1:04:30 - NEWS - Jeffery Goldberg: TSA Security Good for Nuthin
081024 1:11:55 - NEWS - Doctor laments brush-off of Iraqi War Dead
081024 1:14:58 - NEWS - Beirut Marine Bombing and the New Jersey
081024 1:23:15 - INTERVIEW - AIPAC Legal Wrangling

081027 0:07:00 - RANT - Vote John Cornyn to for Liberty?
081027 0:16:00 - INTERVIEW - Candace Gorman: Representing Guantanamo Bay Detainees
081027 1:05:20 - PLAYBACK - Lew Rockwell interviews Ron Paul
081027 1:20:50 - COMMENT - Liberals could have Elected Ron Paul
081027 1:22:25 - NEWS - You can't have a Global Currency
081027 1:26:00 - NEWS - Syria condemns US Attack, etc.
081027 1:36:00 - INTERVIEW - Tom Engelhardt: Bush Doctrine in Ruins

081028 0:04:45 - RANT - John "Country First" is a Commie
081028 0:23:00 - INTERVIEW - Mark Ames: Russia-Georgia Conflict Hype
081028 1:31:30 - RANT - Media does not expose lies of McCain
081028 1:37:00 - NEWS - Greenwald: Kataman Pushing for Preventive Iran War
081028 1:43:30 - NEWS - KKK Arrested in Plan Assassinate Christian/Muslim/Marxist Obama
081028 1:48:15 - RANT - Palin revolting from McCain, attends a Witch Hunter's Church, Fruit Fly
081028 1:54:45 - NEWS - Torture is a Crime
081028 1:58:00 - NEWS - Tapes Depict Proposal to Thwart Bomb used in Trade Center Blast, Oct 28, 1993 (NYT)

081029 0:04:10 - RANT - Don't you talk bad about that guy dat got my son killed for nothin!
081029 0:09:22 - RANT - Greenwald's calls out conservatives
081029 0:12:40 - RANT - GWB, the biggest spender ever, is laissez-faire (!???)
081029 0:26:00 - PLAYBACK - Lew Rockwell interviews Bruce Fein
081029 0:42:35 - RANT - Indict War Criminals
081029 0:44:40 - NEWS - Guantanamo Bay Judge rules Detainees Confesses During Torture
081029 0:58:30 - INTERVIEW - Robert Dreyfuss: Syria Bombing, Iraq, Iran
081029 1:49:00 - RANT - Attacks: Trying to scare us away or draw us in?
081029 1:57:15 - RANT – Sen. Ted Stevens convicted of Lying to Government

081030 0:04:30 - PLAYBACK - Ron Paul interviewed by Rachael Madow on the Presidential Race
081030 0:10:40 - NEWS - Chalabi's Star Rises Again
081030 0:13:40 - NEWS - (Daily Coast) Manipulation of John McCain (G:Iraq Liberation Act Ron Paul)
081030 0:21:20 - INTERVIEW - Daphne Eviatar: Torture by Any Other Name
081030 1:02:00 - RANT - Obama on the Daily Show, Crisis Provides Leviathan
081030 1:11:00 - RANT - Somalia Suicide Bombing, not learning from history
081030 1:13:00 - RANT - Russia thinks US ready to nuke them
081030 1:20:00 - INTERVIEW - Chris Calabrese: Constitution Free Zone

081031 0:07:00 - RANT - The Constitution of The United States
081031 1:39:40 - RANT - Carol Quigley / No real change no matter who elected

081103 0:03:45 - NEWS - Most Disliked President
081103 0:14:00 - RANT - Sarah Palin doesn't know what the 1st Amendment means
081103 0:23:50 - INTERVIEW - Justin Raimondo: Obama, McCain, and the future of the War Party
081103 1:15:10 - RANT - Local News serves to justify state power
081103 1:19:40 - INTERVIEW - Lew Rockwell: Voting

081104 0:05:25 - PLAYBACK - Carlin
081104 0:10:10 - PLAYBACK - Ron Paul: on Cavuto
081104 0:17:00 - INTERVIEW - Robert Parry: DARPA Technology, Gutting of Constitution
081104 1:06:00 - RANT - McCain fails again. Obama worse.
081104 1:13:50 - PLAYBACK - Ron Paul: War/Spending Position Explained in the Debates
081104 1:46:00 - RANT - McCain: Reagans, Goldwater, hated him.
081104 1:46:00 - RANT - Real Wars heros don't beat everyone over the head with their war hero status.
081104 1:58:00 - RANT - Don't Vote

081105 0:00:20 - PLAYBACK - Bill Hicks: "John McCain" Loses
081105 0:07:00 - RANT - John McCain Deserved to Lose
081105 0:24:00 - RANT - Obama aint God
081105 0:36:00 - RANT - Rachel Maddow: Terrorist are Simply Nihilist, Insane
081105 0:40:30 - CALLS -
081105 1:25:00 - INTERVIEW - Gareth Porter: Iraq Withdrawal, Stolen Laptop

081106 0:07:50 - RANT - Liberals Start to Love War Again
081106 0:23:15 - INTERVIEW - Christopher Manion: Neocons Change Sides (again)
081106 1:06:00 - NEWS - Gaza Cease Fire Over?
081106 1:10:30 - RANT - All of the terrorist cases are lies designed to make you support the war on terror
081106 1:21:30 - INTERVIEW - Glenn Greenwald: Will Glenn hold Obama’s feet to the fire?
081106 1:44:20 - PLAYBACK - Bill Hicks: Puppets, Kennedy Assassination, Clinton bombs Iraq
081106 1:50:00 - PLAYBACK - Ron Paul on CNN

081107 0:06:00 - RANT - "Safegaurded", Nuclear Proliferation Treaty
081107 0:38:40 - PLAYBACK - Ron Paul on Cavuto
081107 0:44:30 - NEWS - Georgia Claims on Russia War Called Into Question (NYTimes)
081107 0:53:00 - PLAYBACK - Leading to War

081110 0:05:40 - RANT - Educating Obama on Iran's Nuclear Program
081110 0:18:25 - INTERVIEW - (The Other) Scott Horton: Obama & Gitmo, Civil Rights
081110 1:07:25 - RANT - They Hate our Foreign Policy
081110 1:16:50 - NEWS - Mass Casualty Attacks Planned in Brittan
081110 1:38:30 - INTERVIEW - Woody Powell: Veterans for Peace

081111 0:10:50 - NEWS - AIG Rescue Gets More Complicated
081111 0:19:00 - INTERVIEW - Michael Scheuer: Marching Toward Hell
081111 1:05:55 - NEWS - Obama, Gates, Torture, Cuba, Syria, Kyoto Protocol
081111 1:23:00 - INTERVIEW - Gareth Porter: A Larger Al Qeda Attack Soon?

081112 0:11:20 - NEWS - Bush will Miss Sending Solders to Die
081112 0:14:30 - NEWS - Obama may keep Gates
081112 0:21:45 - INTERVIEW - Phil Hammond: Darfur
081112 1:10:00 - RANT - Bah Humbug, George Bush
081112 1:12:10 - NEWS - Iraq Sunni Guards Join Government Payroll
081112 1:21:45 - INTERVIEW - Mark Thorton: Predicting the Housing Bubble

081113 0:19:00 - INTERVIEW - Patrick Cockburn: Iraq
081113 1:18:30 - INTERVIEW - Doug Bandow: Bush Failures, Obama Hawkishness

081114 0:07:00 - INTERVIEW - Eric Margolis: Pakistan and Afghanistan
081114 1:06:00 - NEWS - Guantanamo Probe Urged, Somalia Cities fall to Islamic Insurgents
081114 1:24:10 - RANT - I hate Conservatives, Republicans - The Party of Big Government
081114 1:33:00 - RANT - Change?
081114 1:36:40 - RANT - Hillary Clinton, Secretary of State?
081114 1:41:30 - RANT - Emmanuel, Israel First, Thwarted Anti-war Democrats
081114 1:50:50 - NEWS - Obama Pressured to Back-off Withdrawal by Goldberg
081114 1:57:00 - NEWS - Iran Does Not Want to Deal with Obama

081117 0:12:55 - NEWS - Obama will end Torture?
081117 0:21:55 - INTERVIEW - Ray McGovern: Advice to Obama
081117 1:20:40 - NEWS - Oklahoma City Bombing
081117 1:22:30 - PLAYBACK - Goldberg on Rom Emanuel: Nightmare for Israeli / Palestinian Peace
081117 1:24:30 - INTEVIEW - Philip Giraldi: Obama’s chief-of-staff Rahm Emanuel

081118 0:08:52 - NEWS - The Gulf War Illness Actually Exists
081118 0:21:10 - INTERVIEW - Robert Prechter: The Elliott Wave
081118 1:07:30 - NEWS - Iraq War Never-ending? “Deadline” not Firm?
081118 1:15:45 - NEWS – We Lost the War we Won.
081118 1:20:27 - NEWS - Hillary is going to be Secretary of State (WS)
081118 1:27:30 - INTEVIEW - Tim Cavanaugh: Ossetia Peace Activist

081118a 0:40:50 - Freetalk: Start
081118a 0:43:00 - Obama
081118a 0:54:00 - Georgia
081118a 1:03:00 - NATO

081119 0:04:30 - CORRECTION - Hillary said "obliterate Iran" in context.
081119 0:13:00 - PLAYBACK - Ron Paul on Auto Aid Package
081119 0:20:00 - INTERVIEW - Joseph P. Sottile: The Warning
081119 1:13:25 - NEWS - Cheney Indicted, Public Distrust Hobble Obama
081119 1:19:35 - INTERVIEW - Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich: CASMII

081120 0:16:45 - REVIEW - The Anatomy of the State - Murray Rothbard
081120 0:19:15 - NEWS - Antiwar Groups Fear Hawkish Cabinet (AWN)
081120 0:26:40 - NEWS - Sitting Out the Obama Dance in Iowa City (ZNET)
081120 0:50:20 - NEWS - Texas Grand Jury Indicts Cheney, Gonzalez / Fascism
081120 1:00:00 - RANT - Meanwhile, Markets Continue to Fall
081120 1:14:50 - RANT - Broad and Sanger: Iran Said to Have Nuclear Fuel for One Weapon
081120 1:30:00 - CALL - Joe Briggs on Rahm Emanuel
081120 1:38:30 - CALL - Drug War
081120 1:51:35 - RANT - Madeline Albright Apologized for Wording it Like That

081121 0:07:00 - RANT - Broad and Sanger (2): Iran Said to Have Nuclear Fuel for One Weapon
081121 0:22:10 - INTERVIEW - Ron Paul: Empire, Guantanamo, Economy
081121 0:50:30 - RANT - Uranium in Syria, Everything the US Gov Says is a Lie
081121 1:05:45 - NEWS - What is Northcom up to?
081121 1:20:00 - INTERVIEW - Brian Doherty: Gun Control on Trial

081124 0:05:30 - NEWS - Iran Nuclear Weapon Program: You are a Damned Fool
081124 0:33:20 - NEWS - Elected Officials Fail Civics Test
081124 0:40:00 - NEWS - US Gov set to loan 7.4 Trillion
081124 1:01:00 - NEWS - Baghdad Citizens put up Statue of Bush Up, and Tear it Down
081124 1:11:17 - NEWS - 16 Arrested for handing out release of security pact
081124 1:18:25 - INTERVIEW - David R. Henderson

081125 0:07:30 - RANT - Phillip Dru Administrator
081125 0:35:00 - RANT - The Democrats are Fascist
081125 0:41:30 - RANT - The Republicans are pinko commies
081125 1:03:30 - RANT - Edward Mandel House and the Central Bank, Mexico Bailout
081125 1:20:00 - INTERVIEW - William Grigg: Obama and More of the Same

081126 0:06:44 - RANT - Mukasey Falls Down
081126 0:20:00 - NEWS - Aspirational Terrorist Planning in Pakistan, Bogus Terror Alerts
081126 0:32:00 - PLAYBACK - Eric Margolis on The Lew Rockwell Show
081126 0:45:45 - RANT - Obama Hiring Gates and Clinton
081126 0:50:00 - NEWS - Karzia Calls for Timeline for Withdrawal
081126 1:07:25 - NEWS - Olmert say No Pressure on Israel by US Gov
081126 1:32:00 - NEWS - Max Boot thinks Obama is Great
081126 1:34:20 - CALLS - Trillions in Loans
081126 1:46:45 - NEWS - They let Hamdan Go
081126 1:52:45 - CALLS - Lakota Independence

081127 0:00:00 - No Show (Thanksgiving)

081128 0:11:30 - NEWS - Iran Welcomes Talks with Obama
081128 0:23:30 - INTERVIEW - Eric Margolis
081128 1:15:00 - RANT - Limbaugh has Nothing
081128 1:24:50 - RANT - Boortz says Americans voted for Obama because of Tax Cut
081128 1:31:45 - NEWS - John Brennen denied CIA Director Job
081128 1:46:10 - RANT - Somalia, Ethiopians Routed081201 0:09:00 - RANT - The Christian Right
081201 0:12:00 - NEWS - Pentagon to Deploy Troops US Soil
081201 0:20:35 - INTERVIEW - Katrina vanden Heuvel: Smart Defense
081201 1:03:10 - NEWS - Sistani Returns to Politics
081201 1:23:50 - INTERVIEW - Bill Barnwell: Obama not the Antichrist

081202 0:10:00 - NEWS - Pakistan authorities search for identity of lone gunman
081202 0:22:20 - INTERVIEW - Frida Berrigan: Who Rules the Pentagon?
081202 1:07:00 - NEWS - Texas Open Carry Law
081202 1:14:00 - NEWS - Airport Behavioral Screening
081202 1:20:00 - INTERVIEW - Chris Hedges: Confronting the Terrorist Within

081203 0:04:55 - NEWS - Dryfuss: Is Iran Policy still up for Grabs?
081203 0:24:50 - INTERVIEW - Thomas Woods: We Who Dared Say No To War
081203 1:17:30 - INTERVIEW - Matthew Alexander: Interrogator Used Brains, Not Brutality
081203 1:50:45 - RANT - Michael Savage: Should Pakistani Tribal Areas Be Wiped Out?

081204 0:08:45 - RANT - Barack Obama. You Will Be Very Disappointed.
081204 0:47:00 - NEWS - Retired Officers Want Detainee Policies Overturned
081204 0:57:20 - NEWS - Nuclear or Biological Attack Called Likely
081204 1:15:00 - NEWS - (NYT) Rahm Emmanuel made 18,000,000 in two years
081204 1:15:00 - NEWS - Making the Government more Power makes the System more Corrupt
081204 1:24:50 - NEWS - NATO Chief Defends Opening Up to Russia
081204 1:34:45 - NEWS - Radical Israeli Settlers Vow to Fight Israeli Army
081204 1:43:60 - NEWS - IDF Makes Unilateral Plans to Bomb Iran Nuclear Facilities
081204 1:52:15 - NEWS - National Government Robs People Blind, Calls it "Saving the Economy"
081204 1:56:40 - RANT - 20,000 US Troops Using Military on US Soil

081205 0:08:45 - NEWS - L. Johnson: "This is Treason" re Nixon interfering in Vietnam War
081205 0:17:25 - INTERVIEW - Andrew Bacevich: Limits of Power
081205 1:03:50 - NEWS - Iraq Council Approves US Security Act
081205 1:19:40 - INTERVIEW - Jesse Trentadue: Oklahoma Bombing

081208 0:08:30 - RANT - The Day of Infamy: The Greatest Treason in the History of Mankind
081208 0:26:25 - INTERVIEW - Ronna L. Minchaui: Islam Online (Not Posted to AWR)
081208 1:09:40 - NEWS - (NYT) Kremlin Rules in Hard Times
081208 1:25:20 - INTERVIEW - Pitfalls for the Iraq Status of Forces Agreement

081209 0:03:20 - NEWS - Hawks Campaign to Prevent Iran Talks
081209 0:22:50 - INTERVIEW - Robert Parry: L. Johnson Suspected the 1968 Nixon Campaign of "Treason"
081209 1:16:00 - RANT - Presidents real crimes Okayed by Democrats. Bush Legacy.
081209 1:33:20 - INTERVIEW - Joeseph Salerno: The Logic of War Making

081210 0:05:00 - NEWS - Government tries to Force BofA to Save Window Factory Jobs
081210 0:18:30 - NEWS - Pentegon Ignored Danger of Roadside Bombs
081210 0:22:10 - INTERVIEW - Russel Means: American Indian Activist
081210 1:01:10 - NEWS - Hawkish Lukid Gears up for February Elections
081210 1:06:00 - NEWS - NSA Debunks Pearl Harbor Conspiracy
081210 1:19:00 - INTERVIEW - Justin Raimondo: Beware the New Globalism

081211 0:02:20 - Playback - Ron Paul re Car Industry Bailout
081211 0:05:15 - RANT - Politicians caused the economic problems
081211 0:05:15 - RANT - Marx's Labor Theory of Value
081211 0:51:45 - RANT - The Military Industrial Academic Congressional Scientific Technological Media Complex
081211 1:05:40 - CALL - Misdirected Anger. US Gov made Sadr powerful
081211 1:13:30 - CALL - Inflations Results Are Delayed
081211 1:32:00 - NEWS - US Spys on Israel
081211 1:37:10 - NEWS - US Steps Up Efforts to Find Other Supply Routes in Afghanistan
081211 1:43:00 - NEWS - House Democrat Sylvester Reyes Urges Obama to Keep Torturers
081211 1:58:30 - NEWS - Officials weigh Creating Domestic Intelligence Agency

081212 0:09:00 - NEWS - Obama to offer nuclear shield to Israel
081212 0:09:00 - RANT - You will be very disappointed. Obama Posed as Peace Candidate
081212 0:09:00 - RANT - It's all about Bailouts for Banker and a permanent State of War for Weapon Makers
081212 1:04:50 - NEWS - (WP) Gates Sustains Afghan Mission
081212 1:11:00 - NEWS - Report on Detainee Abuse Blames Top US Officials
081212 1:21:20 - INTERVIEW - Rodger Charles: Oklahoma City Bombing

081215 0:06:00 - NEWS - Shoes Thrown at Bush
081215 0:13:00 - NEWS - US Troops might be needed Iraq for a Decade
081215 0:28:00 - INTERVIEW - Dr. Gareth Porter: Discusses his recent visit to Iran
081215 1:13:30 - NEWS - Mujahedeen Killing & Kidnapping Policemen
081215 1:27:00 - NEWS - George Will Reports Gates Claims "America in Iraq for Decades"
081215 1:29:30 - NEWS - Kristol: Small is not Beautiful. More War.
081215 1:42:15 - NEWS - US will push UN for Somalia Mission Peacekeeping Force to Stop Pirates and Reemeregence of Islamist Militants

081215 1:50:00 - NEWS - The Fed that blew the whistle is guilty of treason?
081215 1:56:40 - NEWS - That was no small war in Georgia. The begining of the end of the American Empire. Alternet

081216 0:07:20 - NEWS - Andy Worthington: Using Music for Torture
081216 0:20:00 - RANT - The Guy in the Sub Shop
081216 0:20:00 - RANT - The Shoe (Closest We'll Ever Get to The Law Applying to George Bush)
081216 0:27:00 - PLAYBACK - Cheney Authorizes Torture (Raw Story)
081216 0:42:00 - NEWS - Senate Armed Services Committee Report on Treatment of Detainees in US Custody
081216 1:15:40 - PLAYBACK - Torture Clips
081216 1:20:20 - INTERVIEW - Philip Giraldi: Israel's 'Get Out of Jail Free' Card

081217 0:04:40 - RANT - Support the RNC8, Call Country Attorney Susan Gaertner
081217 0:20:15 - INTERVIEW - Glen Greenwald: A Tragic Legacy
081217 1:03:45 - RANT - Act Now to Reject Constitution Convention
081217 1:31:00 - RANT - Torturing the Shoe Thrower?
081217 1:33:45 - CALL - SteveC: Libertarian Theory, Aggressing
081217 1:38:40 - CALL - Purger: Audacity of the Shoe Thrower
081217 1:46:30 - CALL - Joe: Auto Bailout will lead to Nationalized Healthcare
That's all folks!
