Date Format - YYMMDD H:MM:SS -

For Example - 090408 0:06:00 = 2009 Apr 08, 0 hours, 06 minutes, 00 seconds into the recording.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May 19th, 2009

090515 0:04:00 - Playback - Ron Paul: Supplemental War Bill, Comment, on Morning Joe
090515 0:30:00 - RANT - Torture is okay as long as you tell Nancy Pelosi, More on Torture
090515 0:54:30 - RANT - Sunni's Try to make a deal one year into the war
090515 1:13:30 - CALL - Purger: Blacks Favor Democrats
090515 1:21:30 - CALL - Troy: Ron Paul compromises on Welfare State
090515 1:26:00 - CALL - Joe Briggs: Last Thing we Need is a War with Iran
090515 1:34:30 - INTERVIEW - Jeff Riggenbach: war/presidential history vs. economic/social science issues.

090513 0:01:00 - INTERVIEW - Tom Hayden: Understanding the long war
090513 0:33:30 - INTERVIEW - Scott Horton: Torture Update
090513 1:08:00 - RANT - Military Commission System Continues
090513 1:13:30 - NEWS - Obama Blocks Release of Abuse Photographs
090513 1:19:30 - NEWS - Center For New American Security backed by Lockheed
090513 1:23:30 - NEWS - Lockheed Doubles Lobby Outlay
090513 1:29:00 - NEWS - Five Convicted in Plot to Blow Up Sears Building
090513 1:33:30 - INTERVIEW - Mark Ames: My Autocrat's worse than your Autocrat

090512 0:01:30 - Playback - Rothbard's "For a New Liberty" Audio book
090512 0:45:30 - INTERVIEW - Anthony Gregory: Discusses Left, Right and the prospects for liberty.
090512 1:04:30 - RANT - AIPAC Meets with Lawmakers
090512 1:11:45 - NEWS - Obama Setting Up Iran Talks to Fail
090512 1:23:30 - NEWS - US builds a Palestinian Army, Understanding the Long War
090512 1:25:30 - NEWS - Torturing People saved no Lives
090512 1:33:30 - INTERVIEW - Jeff Sharlet: Jesus killed Mohammed

090508 0:01:30 - Playback - Rothbard's "For a New Liberty" Audiobook
090508 0:32:30 - INTERVIEW - Mark Manning: The Road to Fallujah
090508 1:10:30 - Comment - The road to Fallujah, background
090508 1:19:00 - NEWS - Afghans riot over Airstrike Atrocity
090508 1:21:30 - NEWS - One million Pakistanis displaced
090508 1:26:00 - RANT - Libertarianism is What they Have in Somalia?!
090508 1:35:00 - INTERVIEW - Burton Folsom: New Deal or Raw Deal?

090506 0:04:00 - NEWS - NATO's Georgian Farce, US Nuclear First Strike Capability
090506 0:32:00 - INTERVIEW - David Bromwich: AIPAC Case in Washington, Iraq, and Beyond
090506 1:18:00 - Playback - Ron Paul and the future of the Republican Party, vs. Richard Holbrook
090506 1:32:00 - Comment on Attacking Afghanistan
090506 1:33:00 - INTERVIEW - Andy Worthington: The Guantanamo Files

090505 0:02:15 - RANT – Proselytizing in Afghanistan
090505 0:23:25 - RANT - Dana Perino Never Heard of Cuban Missle Crisis
090505 0:24:30 - RANT - AIPAC
090505 0:37:00 - RANT - AIPAC ginning up a war against Iran, Jane Harman
090505 1:19:00 - RANT - US Gov backed Mujahedeen supporters busted
090505 1:23:00 - RANT - Iran Diplomatic Enhancement Act, Swiss punished for crossing Israel
090505 1:27:00 - NEWS - The Chinese are Coming
090505 1:31:00 - NEWS - Paul Krugman tells us Falling Price and Wages are a Problem
090505 1:35:45 - INTERVIEW - Marjorie Cohn: illegality of the U.S. wars in Iraq and Afghanistan

090501 0:01:00 - Playback - Ron Paul: Swine Flu, comment on Ron Paul
090501 0:12:00 - RANT - Secession
090501 0:17:45 - RANT - How propaganda works, Zimmerman Telegram
090501 0:25:30 - NEWS - Condoleezza Rice, Nazi, Nukes
090501 0:32:30 - INTERVIEW - Greg Mitchell: “Mission Accomplished” Anniversary
090501 1:17:00 - CALL - Hajji: Moral Relativism
090501 1:25:00 - CALL - Corky: Bill Bonner, Daily Reckoning, Sermon on the Mount
090501 1:30:30 - CALL - Troy: The Muslims control our oil myth, hate all the Jews myth
090501 1:36:50 - CALL - ?: How churches can be pro-torture
090501 1:40:45 - RANT - Jon Stewart apologizes for calling Truman a war criminal
090501 1:46:00 - RANT - AIPAC Spies

090429 0:00:00 - Playback - Scott on Lew Rockwell, Americans are okay will killing Iraqis
090429 0:12:30 - INTERVEW - Patrick Cockburn: American is Going to Leave Iraq
090429 0:47:30 - NEWS -
090429 0:50:00 - CALL - Troy: Daniel Gross, Spend
090429 1:02:00 - RANT - The rich know how do deal with any threat to their power
090429 1:25:00 - RANT - Torture: The media decides that they didn't know about torture until now.

090428 0:03:45 - RANT - Arlan Specter: Going Home to the Democrats
090428 0:09:00 - Playback - Ron Paul on Swine Flu
090428 0:32:00 - INTERVIEW - George McGovern: Danger continuing the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan
090428 0:54:00 - RANT - Dick Cheney destroyed Somalia
090428 1:09:30 - RANT - Sick of Glenn Beck, There is no threat to America in the World
090428 1:19:00 - NEWS - Are 90% of the guns in Mexico sold in the United States? No
090428 1:21:30 - NEWS - Anti-Russian Missiles in Czech Republic
090428 1:33:30 - INTERVIEW - Eric Margolis: Afghanistan, Pakistan

090422 0:01:30 - RANT - Jane Harman lobbing for AIPAC
090422 1:03:30 - INTERVIEW - Dr. Ron Paul: Lack of change in Afghanistan and Iraq policy
090422 1:28:30 - INTERVIEW - Jessie Walker: Pirates & Somalia Answers

090421 0:01:30 - INTERVIEW - Jeff Stein: NSA wiretap recording of Rep. Jane Harmon
090421 0:20:30 - RANT - AIPAC Footnotes
090421 0:33:00 - INTERVIEW - Michael Hastings, author of the article “Obama’s War”
090421 1:07:00 - NEWS - US Threatens Eritrea
090421 1:19:00 - NEWS - In Iraq, Everybody knows somebody killed by the war
090421 1:28:00 - NEWS - Brian Williams brings on Former Generals how sit on the Board of Military Contractors
090421 1:30:00 - NEWS - Court rules police need a warrant to search vehicle
090421 1:40:30 - INTERVIEW - Sauvik Chakraverti: Indian Politics

090417 0:05:00 - INTERVIEW - James Bamford: NSA’s excessive domestic spying, 9/11 info
090417 0:33:00 - INTERVIEW - Ivan Eland: China's Threat to the US is Exaggerated
090417 1:04:45 - Playback - Release of Memos, NSA domestic spying
090417 1:12:45 - ANGELA -
090417 1:31:00 - INTERVIEW - The Other Scott Horton: Torture Memos, etc.

090415 0:10:00 - RANT - Somalia & Pirates
090415 0:25:00 - RANT - Ron Paul Election Run
090415 0:34:00 - INTERVIEW - Steve Webber: American Attitudes toward Cuba
090415 0:57:30 - Playback - Ron Paul on drug legalization
090415 1:05:30 - CALL - Purger: legalizing does not cause any different behavior than repeal of prohibition
090415 1:14:00 - CALL - Hajji: George Bush said nothing about Iraq Uranium, what a guy
090415 1:30:30 - CALL - EoTS: Taxes, History started on Jan 20, 2009
090415 1:35:45 - RANT - Fascist Warmongers are now poor persecuted victims
090415 1:41:00 - Playback - Ron Paul on Economy, prolonging the recession
090415 1:47:00 - RANT - New Deal Prolonged depression, War prolonged depression

090410 0:02:00 - NEWS - Obama seeks 83.4 B$ for emergency funding for wars. 534B - the other day.
090410 0:22:30 - NEWS - Pushback on release of Office of Legal Counsel Memos
090410 0:32:00 - INTERVIEW - Mark Almond: Moldova
090410 1:19:00 - RANT - 11 Dimensional Chess 101
090410 1:25:00 - RANT - When individuals are free, that is what is best for society
090410 1:26:00 - RANT - "You can’t' kill F22" jobs program, Americans have no memory
090410 1:42:00 - RANT - Seymour Hirsch’s interview re JSOC
